Thursday, August 25, 2011

Creative Space Thursday

Creative Space Thursday
I've been trying to clean my studio, lately, and it's quite the task. When I say "clean", I really mean, "put things into really neat piles". Here's a small pile of two projects. I need to start on my Sketchbook project, and I need to finish this heart painting.

Creative Space Thursday
I painted this heart a few months ago, just to get my hands warmed up for other projects. I always felt like it needed something more, but I wasn't sure what that was. Then someone suggested that I add bandages to it. Awesome! The idea worked!


  1. I love it! Great work!

  2. great painting! I like the bandage touch too

  3. Thank you, guys! :)

  4. Amazing costumes! I am your newest follower via Etsy blog team. Come by and say hello. I have recipes and crafts and things to say.... Take care!

    Happy Tuesday!


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