
Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Art Makin'

It's a rainy Monday. It was nearly impossible to get down to the studio today but I forced myself to quit being lazy and just paint. I'm feeling like a cold is slowly making its way to my sinuses, so I better get some work done before the sickness takes over. While I was painting, I thought to myself, man, it feels good to paint! A few weeks have passed since I painted anything, and I know I've been missing it.

Brush Collection
I wanted to show off some details of my studio. Since signing up for Get Your Paint On I've been going through my supplies and thinking about what I need. Well, looks like I don't NEED anything! In this picture you can see three small blank canvases to the right, and below the table is another stack of canvases in various sizes. I've got plenty of paint and other mediums to work with. 

Brush Collection
And here's one shelf of my supply closet. Yes, my supply closet! I'm so lucky to have this space and it is kind of overwhelming to see all the art stuff I've accumulated over the years. Could I be an art supply hoarder? I even ordered some supplies from Dick Blick this morning! Ok, for the month of February I vow to NOT buy any art supplies or books (I've bought over 10 books in the past month), and just use what I have!

The Get Your Paint On ecourse started today and I'm looking forward to having artistic assignments! I've picked out an empty canvas from my collection and I can't wait to start painting. Whoo!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On My Desk Wednesday

On My Desk Wednesday
It is much too cold to work on little projects in my basement studio, so I set up shop on my kitchen table. I'm currently working on postcard swaps for Swap-Bot, a small to-do list, & a cup of chai tea. My notebooks make an appearance, as well as two books I'm reading

It's a cold and rainy day here in Middle Georgia. I'm trying my best to not to nap on the couch for lunch. 

Do you like mail? I'm always up for a postcard or letter swap! Check out my Contact page for my address and mail away!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Drawing Comics

A few weeks ago, I was approached by a buddy about drawing comics for an independent newspaper. At the time I was wrapped up in Accounting class, and worried that I would miss the deadline, but I still agreed to draw something. Besides, I couldn't pass up the opportunity, right? I've been a comics (indie and otherwise) fan since I was a teen. I've drawn several comics zines (Monster Haiku and stories about my pet hamsters) and drew an hourly comic or two back in my Livejournal days. Drawing comics to be published is the next big step!

I'm now drawing comics for The Grip, a newspaper based in Griffin, Georgia. It's a whole new challenge now that I've got a set deadline every other week and I've got to come up with original content that's entertaining.! I've drawn two comics so far, and I'm sketching out ideas for the next. I've decided that my comic's title is: Good, Good Things and it's about my life and other adventures. I feel I work best when I'm sharing personal tidbits, for example: this blog, my zines, & my art. Everything stems from wanting to share my experiences.

On that note, I wanted to share some links to some comics I enjoy reading:
Wet Moon by Ross Campbell, anything by Lucy Knisely, You Don't Get There From Here zine by Carrie McNinch, Invincible Summer by Nicole Georges, and not pictured: A Round Town in Flagpole, Dinosaur Comics, and A Softer World. Oh! And Ramsey of Everydaypants Illustration!

And here's my first Good, Good Things:
I'm totally looking forward to drawing more comics! So tell me, do you read any comics? If so, what are they?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Foto Friday

It's been awhile since I've done this, so it's time for another installment of...
Foto Friday: Where I upload all the recent pictures from my phone and share them with you!
Watching the hubby play pool in a completely empty bar. He's amazingly talented when it comes to billiards and it's nice to sit back and watch him work his magic.

A sticker at The Earl. I'm always interested in how other tattoo shops design their promotional items.

We've got Tetris at the tattoo shop. I thought I had the best score and took a picture to proove it. Flan is my nickname at the shop, and my record was quickly broken.

A friend stopped by before Christmas and dropped off this huge bin of candy while I was working at the arts council. He just walked in, said, "Happy Holidays!" and left us with a ton of yummy candy. It took us a good two weeks to go through it.

Graffiti in the girl's bathroom at The Earl. In fact, the whole place is covered in graffiti! I could spend hours just reading and exploring the scribbles. This really stood out to me and was refreshing to read. Yes, be GOOD to other girls!.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

I'm lovin': popcorn, Sunday afternoon dates with the hubs, watching great movies at the theatre (True Grit, Black Swan), seeing previews for other movies we actually want to see (The Tree of Life, Water for Elephants, Blue Valentine), lazy days, not so lazy days, coming across a Marilyn Monroe calendar and feeling inspired to paint again, having friends that are willing to help out, reading on the couch...

Working in the Studio
Starting a new painting!

A Softer World, Netflix Instant Watch (My Name is Earl & Exit Through the Gift Shop), My Iced-In mix on, seeing my friend's band play in Atlanta, hanging out with another friend and talking all evening, cheap & cold PBR, late night texting, otters, learning more and more about tattooing, having the chance to be a comic artist, Little Big Planet 2, getting a Wii Balance Board, marking things off my to-do list, and snuggling!

What are you loving on today?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Let's Be Honest

Ok, I admit, I feel like I've hit some sort of slump lately. I don't know if it's due to the weather (snowed in for three days last week, now two days of dreary, rainy skies), or just general laziness, but I just cannot get out from under my Snuggie to make some art. I've been running errands this morning, and sat down for a bit to read, but still no art-making. I have several things to do this evening so I know I won't be able to get down to the studio tonight. Perhaps, there's always tomorrow? And tomorrow? And tomorrow?

I've decided that I will enroll in an ecourse: Get Your Paint On: A Five Week Painting Class with Lisa Congdon and Mati McDonough from January 31 to March 4, 2011.
Click the link for more info!

I've adored Lisa Congdon's work for awhile, and have some of her prints around my station at the tattoo shop. After looking at Mati's work, I'm feeling inspired to paint again (just have to find the time!). I'm pretty sure this course will help get into the swing of things! I've actually deemed this year to be the year of Work, and by golly, I need to do some work! Artwork, that is!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Wishing

It's Day Three of No School and I'm sure I've got cabin fever. I keep window shopping online, and well, it's time for another installment of Wednesday Wishing, right?


I've always loved foxes. Even as a child, I was fascinated with them. My father gave me a stuffed fox when I was little and I still have it to this day. Today's Wednesday Wishing features fox prints that I totally want to purchase for my studio walls. Click on the links/pictures for info on how to buy them for yourself!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Iced In on a Monday

Iced In!
If you haven't heard by now, the southeast has been hit by a snowstorm. The kiddo didn't have school today so we've been trying to keep busy with snacks, video games, and toys. I've been working on my unending to-do list and finally taking the time to upload some more items to my Etsy shop.

Being Productive
I've added another table to my studio and it's so handy to have a specific spot for the photobox. I have a flood light attached to the ceiling, and another little lamp to the side of the box. I think I'll add another floodlight eventually, once the ice melts. You can also see the pile of watercolor paintings I've finished over the past few months. I'm thinking about trying to get some prints made of them. It's definitely on my to-do list!

Red Shoes Oil Painting
I'm slowly, but surely taking photos of paintings around the studio and putting them in the shop. I'm glad to have finally done this. Hurrah for productive snow days!

I finally added picture wire to the back of this so it's ready to hang. There's no school tomorrow so I'm wondering what other paintings I may have laying around the studio. Hmmm...

Here's a link to my Etsy shop:

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Watercolor Painting Video!

I'm so excited to share this with everyone! I'm a big fan of time-lapse/fast motion (don't know the correct term?) progress videos and I wanted to make one myself. So I set up my tripod and got to work!

And I'm in love! I can't wait to do more videos like this. There's definitely a lot to learn, though, like make sure you're lighting is good so the camera can focus. Also, note to self, get a bigger memory card for the camera.

Here's the completed painting:

Sugar Skull Watercolor Painting

I'm always looking for more art-in-progress videos, so if you have one, please share.

Monday, January 03, 2011

A New Year - 2011 and Beyond

First Page
New Year! New Sketchbook!

I don't think I've really sat down an made a list of goals for the past two new years so I took the time to contemplate my life and what I want to do. Here's my list, categorized and bulleted for your pleasure:

Financial Goals:
  • Save money in my own personal Savings Account (I have the account set up, but I have nothing in it.)
  • Be debt free by the end of the year.
  • Donate money monthly.
  • Save enough money to use towards a down payment for a new vehicle.
Health Goals:
  • Exercise more (Who doesn't have this on their list?)
  • Visit the doctors for a thorough check up, make sure everything's all right.
  • Take a family vacation.
  • Spend more time with my parents.
  • Do more art with Maz.
  • Visit Michigan at least twice this year.
  • Join nearby arts associations.
  • Attend two Dr. Sketchy's Atlanta Events.
  • Attend 1 art workshop.
  • Fill a sketchbook.
  • Publish and sell a calendar for 2012.
  • Reach 500 Etsy sales.
  • Get at least 100 blog followers.
  • Get at least 300 Facebook Fans.
  • Attend a tattoo convention.
  • Get published in a magazine.
For Fun/ Etc.:
  • Do the 50 book challenge.
  • Fill a journal.
  • Attend as many music events as possible!

Writing and publishing my goals adds a bit of responsibility and accountability to the whole thing, huh? I'm looking forward to 2011 and all the good things it's going to bring. 

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Watercolor Painting - Complete

Excuse me, I completely forgot that I blogged about a new painting then didn't post about it being complete. Well, here you go!
First, some progress shots:

Progress 2
Progress 3

Then the whole thing:


I got a custom rubber stamp made for my tattoo moniker: "Ms. Fawne". I love it so. Eventually, I would like to start getting prints made of my paintings, so I can sell 'em on the etsy shop. I don't think I'd be able to sell the originals, they're very dear to me.