
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

I'm lovin': popcorn, Sunday afternoon dates with the hubs, watching great movies at the theatre (True Grit, Black Swan), seeing previews for other movies we actually want to see (The Tree of Life, Water for Elephants, Blue Valentine), lazy days, not so lazy days, coming across a Marilyn Monroe calendar and feeling inspired to paint again, having friends that are willing to help out, reading on the couch...

Working in the Studio
Starting a new painting!

A Softer World, Netflix Instant Watch (My Name is Earl & Exit Through the Gift Shop), My Iced-In mix on, seeing my friend's band play in Atlanta, hanging out with another friend and talking all evening, cheap & cold PBR, late night texting, otters, learning more and more about tattooing, having the chance to be a comic artist, Little Big Planet 2, getting a Wii Balance Board, marking things off my to-do list, and snuggling!

What are you loving on today?


  1. have you gotten LBP2? Is it awesome?!

    &i'm loving this update!! such fun things you've got goin on!!

  2. True Grit & Black Swan were the best movies of 2010! Excellent :) (My other faves might have been cartoons .... Despicable Me and How to Train Your Dragon ... )

  3. @ Heather: We got it this weekend! It's SO Good!

    @Jaclyn: Yesssss, How to Train Your Dragon was awesome! The kiddo got it for Christmas and we've watched it several times recently.
