
Monday, November 17, 2014

Sidewalk Chalk Fest!

On November 8th, I had the pleasure of participating in the first ever Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival in Macon, Georgia!

I found out about the event from Facebook and figured it would be a fun way to get out in front of the public eye. I've never done a chalk fest before, and I assumed it would be no big deal. And boy, I was wrong!

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
I mean, it wasn't a walk in the park...hah, puns! I arrived in a timely matter, planned out my drawing, and got to work. I casually blended colors, working on a face that's become a bit of a habit lately.

This face took an hour. AN HOUR! And I only had 4 hours to work on the entire piece.

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
And then this colorful border took another hour. WHAT AM I DOING? I thought to myself often. Everything took so much time. 

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
I finally wrapped it up with a few minutes to spare. The final product measured about 10 feet long and 8 feet wide. Mighty big! 

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
So pretty! I admit, my very first mistake was not planning out the drawing. I was very busy the entire week prior to this fest, and I just procrastinated too long and then got lazy. Eh, I can wing it, right? No. No, I can not just wing it.

But I did the best I could, and that's what matters. I'm still quite proud of my work.

Here are the other professional artists beside me:

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
Jessi Queen! A true pro!

Sadly, I didn't get everyone else's names but they're just as amazing. 
Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest

I hope to do more sidewalk chalk art. Perhaps I can get a chalk art fest going in my town? 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

This Week in the Studio No. 4

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Lots of quiet, quiet painting. Finishing up projects, commissions, personal paintings. Good good. Trying to get centered and focused on the upcoming holiday season. All the while, maintaining a clean studio (nearly impossible!). Rearranging paintings on the wall. Planning, planning. List-making forever. 

Saturday, November 01, 2014

This Week in the Studio No. 3

Large painting in the works. Covering most of the floor in the gallery part of my studio. Torturing my knees, bent over the hard concrete. Lots of paint fumes. People walking by and wondering what I'm up to. 

Lots of podcasts and quiet reflection. A sort of zen feeling while I'm painting. Good good good. 

Slowly making progress. Looking forward to the final product. Looking forward to seeing it on display next week. Need more paint. Maybe time for one sun painting? Gotta finish up that project asap!