
Monday, November 17, 2014

Sidewalk Chalk Fest!

On November 8th, I had the pleasure of participating in the first ever Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival in Macon, Georgia!

I found out about the event from Facebook and figured it would be a fun way to get out in front of the public eye. I've never done a chalk fest before, and I assumed it would be no big deal. And boy, I was wrong!

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
I mean, it wasn't a walk in the park...hah, puns! I arrived in a timely matter, planned out my drawing, and got to work. I casually blended colors, working on a face that's become a bit of a habit lately.

This face took an hour. AN HOUR! And I only had 4 hours to work on the entire piece.

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
And then this colorful border took another hour. WHAT AM I DOING? I thought to myself often. Everything took so much time. 

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
I finally wrapped it up with a few minutes to spare. The final product measured about 10 feet long and 8 feet wide. Mighty big! 

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
So pretty! I admit, my very first mistake was not planning out the drawing. I was very busy the entire week prior to this fest, and I just procrastinated too long and then got lazy. Eh, I can wing it, right? No. No, I can not just wing it.

But I did the best I could, and that's what matters. I'm still quite proud of my work.

Here are the other professional artists beside me:

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest
Jessi Queen! A true pro!

Sadly, I didn't get everyone else's names but they're just as amazing. 
Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest

Macon-Bibb Sidewalk Chalk Fest

I hope to do more sidewalk chalk art. Perhaps I can get a chalk art fest going in my town? 

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