
Friday, March 30, 2012

End of the Week - Big Ol' Small Town Mural

Day Two

Day Three

This is definitely taking longer than I thought. I always underestimate the time it takes to paint all the nooks and crannies of brick walls. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day One - Big Ol' Small Town Mural

First Day

I'm used to painting big. The sets I do for the Arts Council's plays are at least 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide. So when I was asked to paint the side of a building, 12 feet tall and 20 feet wide, I thought to myself, no problem, I can't totally work that! When I arrived at the jobsite, I quickly realized this project was going to be intense; it already sat 8 feet above the ground. Thank goodness the owner had access to scaffolding!

This is going to fill my next week or two, maybe three. Here goes everything!

Monday, March 26, 2012

New Week, New Project


I'm equal parts excited and terrified about this week's project. This flag is going to be painted on the side of a brick building. And I'm painting it! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

On My Desk Wednesday

On My Desk

Yesterday was my first real day of work at the studio. I spent the morning listening to podcasts and sketching out ideas for future projects. Later in the afternoon I got a phone call confirming that I will be starting a HUGE new project next week. My mind went into overload and I ended up stressing out for most of the evening. I'm not one to back down from a challenge, but this project is going to be a doozy and I can't wait to share photos with everyone!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Around the Studio

I promise every entry won't start with, "Wow I've been soooo busy, too busy to blog!" With that said...MAN, have I been too busy to blog. I'm working on figuring out some sort of routine: one that balances house chores, family dinners, laundry, studio work, blogging, the tattoo shop, soccer games, time with the hubby, time with the babygirl, and the arts council.

Who am I kidding? There's no balancing all of that. I just have to accept it, and keep my schedule open to changes. If I can't get into the studio one morning, then I just have to make it up some other time. All I know, for sure, is that Sundays are for resting, and ignoring all phone calls.

Things will get easier, I am sure of it.

Have I mentioned that I turned THIRTY on March 10th? THIRRRRRTY! I'm so excited about this age. Someone once told me that your 20s are for learning, and your 30s are for applying all those lessons you learned in the past 10 years. You guys, I still don't feel like an "adult" and I don't feel like I totally know what I'm doing, but I'm doing it. I'm working hard, and not making a lot of money, but I'm making enough. The best part? I'm making money on my own terms with my own talents. I am so incredibly fortunate.

I also bought a new car. I haven't had a car payment since 2004, and my Neon has been falling apart slowly, so it was about time for me to commit to another vehicle. What better than a new car loan to make you hunch down and start working your butt off, right?

Hello 30s! Let's get to work, shall we?

Here are some photos from around the gallery:

Around the Studio
I'm working on a portrait of Audrey Hepburn. So far she's looking like Natalie Portman. I like to work on portraits in between projects. They keep my hand moving and my brain working.

Around the Studio
I showed bits of this sign in this entry. I moved it from my basement to my studio over the weekend and OF COURSE, I scraped some of the paint off. This was a super-challenging project and I'm glad to see it finished. Now all it needs is to be hung above my tattoo buddy's shop. I'll make sure to post pictures of that!

Around the Studio
My dad came down for a visit on Saturday. My landlord was impressed with my dad's work around the studio that he hired him to do more work on the front of the building. I hung out with him the entire day, mostly just talking and holding the ladder but it was so much fun. My dad's quite the maker, and he brought some things to put in my gallery, in hopes of making a little bit of extra cash. I think this little trunk is so neat!

Around the Studio
I posted more photos on my Facebook page, so make sure to check them out. If you're local and want to purchase one of my dad's pieces, just shoot me a message! 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Studio Photo Tour - Part Two

Looking into the third room from the second. Mazzy is busy working at her little table. I've left some of the wall empty, Maz is hoping to get some paintings up there.

My office area. I like to keep the desk free of clutter.

My old, old easel. I bought it the first year of college, back in 2001. It's a bit rusty now, but still works. This wall is home to my personal art collection, prints and paintings I've bought from other artists over the years.

A close up of my corner. That calendar has to be one of the best things ever. I can plan out my entire year with one glance. How great is that? I might get a bulletin board to go under my camera collection. 

Yesterday I wandered around the space while I tried to figure out what to do since almost everything was finished. I tried to paint something but it ended up looking like total crap. Note to self: don't try to wing it, plan out a painting before jumping into it. It's a bit strange working in a new space, but I'm sure I'll come around. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Studio Photo Tour - Part One

The very front. You can see a bouquet of flowers from my parents. 

What you see when you walk in. I had to crop out a bit on the right. I'm still having a bit of trouble with a leak that's coming from some unknown place so I'm avoiding that space for the time being. 

I'll probably put a curtain up to block out the view to the shop next door. But! The shelves look so good!

The big painting on the right is by my husband, Daniel. I needed something that would take up a lot of space and his paintings are perfect for that. 

My photography wall. It'll eventually get replaced by paintings as I start working on my own projects.

Looking out towards the first room. 

I'll do a video tour when I get all the rooms finished. As of right now, the fourth room is just storage. I have an idea for it, but it's all on the backburner as I tidy up the first three rooms. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Opening Day!

March 10th was the official opening day of my new studio & gallery! I was so completely not ready and trying to get things done, that I didn't take a single picture. Thank goodness for my BFF Amber and her camera!

Fawne's 30th Birthday Weekend
8 a.m. on Saturday Morning. Nothing was on the walls! I had to do what I could, then take off to attend Maz's soccer game.

Fawne's 30th Birthday Weekend
Everything did come together in the end! Remember what this shelf looked like before?

Fawne's 30th Birthday Weekend
Cupcakes and drinks for everyone! I can't thank the Cake House Bakery enough. I called them in a panic, 30 minutes after I was due to pick up the cupcakes, and asked if they would deliver. And they did! 

Fawne's 30th Birthday Weekend
My pretty sign. I was going to paint one myself, but then remembered that I have friends in the sign business. A few texts later...I've got a sign!

Fawne's 30th Birthday Weekend
My darling husband. 

Fawne's 30th Birthday Weekend
And the best dad in the world! I could not have done this without him. He put a LOT of work into my studio and I appreciate it so much!

On Sunday, it hit me hard: I opened up an art gallery in a small town. WHAT have I gotten myself into?

I'm pretty excited about this new journey!

P.S. I'll go in today and take photos of everything. Expect a photo tour soon!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Cute Owl Painting - Commissioned Project

I had to keep this painting under wraps for a few days. I couldn't share any progress photos online since this painting was commissioned as a gift. My client didn't want the surprise to be ruined. 

It was super-fun to work on something whimsical and cute!

The client was very happy with the final product. She even shared photos from the baby shower where this painting was given as a gift. The recipient looked like she loved it!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Tired Thursday

Can I tell you how happy I am to see Thursday? I knew with all my projects lined up this week, I would be thrilled to see this day. With painting my studio on Sunday, painting the set for the production of Oklahoma! on Monday and Tuesday, then painting windows on Wednesday, my week has been busy. Honestly, I don't think I would have it any other way. I mean, I painted and made art all week! For pay! How awesome is that?

Here's a little photo dump of what I've been up to:
My buddy Sammie and I took a painting class at a brand new nearby painting studio. We had a great time and we're looking forward to doing it again. 

Painting the Oklahoma! Set
Here's a photo of the first day of painting on the Oklahoma! set. I love painting large, but this one nearly made me cry. I've got to get better at managing my time.

This is Wednesday's project. A new business is opening on the town square and their logo features a pair of wings. The owners thought it would be neat to have wings on their doors. And they were totally right!

The Artist at Work
The owner took a photo of me while I was working and I thought it was a pretty good shot! 

Now I can focus on my studio for the next week or so. I'm sure I'll be updating with progress pictures. Keep your eyes peeled. :)