
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Tired Thursday

Can I tell you how happy I am to see Thursday? I knew with all my projects lined up this week, I would be thrilled to see this day. With painting my studio on Sunday, painting the set for the production of Oklahoma! on Monday and Tuesday, then painting windows on Wednesday, my week has been busy. Honestly, I don't think I would have it any other way. I mean, I painted and made art all week! For pay! How awesome is that?

Here's a little photo dump of what I've been up to:
My buddy Sammie and I took a painting class at a brand new nearby painting studio. We had a great time and we're looking forward to doing it again. 

Painting the Oklahoma! Set
Here's a photo of the first day of painting on the Oklahoma! set. I love painting large, but this one nearly made me cry. I've got to get better at managing my time.

This is Wednesday's project. A new business is opening on the town square and their logo features a pair of wings. The owners thought it would be neat to have wings on their doors. And they were totally right!

The Artist at Work
The owner took a photo of me while I was working and I thought it was a pretty good shot! 

Now I can focus on my studio for the next week or so. I'm sure I'll be updating with progress pictures. Keep your eyes peeled. :)

1 comment:

  1. kathy sellars9:08 AM

    Love the cute love birds! where is this studio that you and sammy went to?
