
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Get Your Paint On, Week One

Week One, Get Your Paint On
8" x 10" Acrylic on Studio Panel
The first week of Get Your Paint On is going well. Yesterday I shared my progress, and here's the completed painting. The inspiration was the Quilts of Gee's Bend, and I thought I would keep my painting simple and neat.

Usually, for such a graphic painting like this, I would measure out exactly where each rectangle would go and tape off the lines so I could easily get perfect edges. Well, not for this painting. I sketched in the rectangles and started painting! I limited my palette to three colors, a teal, an ivory, and bright red. I spent plenty of time fretting over the lines until I thought, eh, just let go...just paint...enjoy the process. I listened to a few episodes of This American Life and focused on just the simple act of painting, something I haven't done in awhile.

Here are a few things I've learned:
  • I need to upgrade my acrylic paints! I cannot keep painting with cheap paints! (living in a small town does have its drawbacks, I'll have to drive an hour to the nearest art store.)
  • I love painting on these Artists Boards, I had one leftover from a project from last summer. (I want to buy more, but I vowed to not buy any more supplies for the rest of the month.)
  • I really should sketch and think my projects through instead of just jumping right in to it. (But what's the fun in that?!)
I'm looking forward to seeing what the other students have painted! I'm enjoying this class so much! Especially since I can totally stay in my pajamas all morning. 


  1. Love your painting! especially the colors...still working on mine!:)

  2. I LOVE it!!
    Dynamic contrasting colors + a great excuse to listen to This American Life and enjoy the process.
    Good work,

  3. I love your painting and marvel at how neat it is! Can't wait to follow your work over the course of the class. :)

  4. This is great! Ugh I'm finding difficult to pick a pattern to work off. Too many beautiful options...sigh

  5. oh my gosh - i love it! and i love your blog. i'll definitely be back to visit.
    (came over from the get your paint on flickr group... have yet to upload the photo of my painting)

  6. just checking in from get your paint on...what a great caught my eye from the picture on facebook...I will be starting the paint process for mine after pilates this morning.....yours has inspired me....

  7. I love this! You've really captured the feel of the Gee's Bend quilts.

  8. Great work, I am glad that I found your blog. I look forward to further work with the course and others:)
