
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Large Paintings

I enjoy working on a large scale: wall murals, sets for performances, floor to ceiling windows, etc. I don't get to do it often, mostly because I've become better at saying "no", so when I do take the chance to paint big, I have lots of fun.
Both photos are of the tattoo shop. Painting the windows is a fun and (almost) easy way to attract attention to our small business. It only takes me a few hours to whip up a scene, and the paint lasts for weeks and weeks. Unless, there's a really hard rain the day after I've painted, then it slowly starts to peel off.
We've decided we'll change the image seasonally. The first was painted right before February so it's full of hearts and love in honor of Valentine's Day. The second was painted at the end of March. We thought a hula girl would fit perfectly in the middle frame and she did. She's loosely based on the hula chick on Sailor Jerry Rum bottle. I'm sure she's going to stay up for awhile. Perhaps until July? We're already thinking of other awesome scenes to paint and looking forward to the Halloween season!
Speaking of large paintings, I finally hunkered down and finished the peacock painting from my last post. Have a looksie:

It's 24"x48" and I'm so glad to have it done. Now what do I do with it?

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