
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My Plate! It is Full!

I've had two weeks off of school and by the looks of this blog, it seems I've also taken two weeks off from it. I decided I should take advantage of this extra free time and do as little as possible. I've caught up on my ongoing to-do list, as well as my sleep, and spent as much time as possible with family.
Spring is here in the south, although some people might disagree. Since today is supposed to be close to 90 degrees, Georgia might have skipped a season and started up summer. I'm extremely excited about the warmer weather. This past winter was extra rainy and dreary. I didn't feel like I was very productive or creative from November through February. But the sun is out and my ideas are blooming! I almost can't keep track of everything.
I've been working on more watercolor paintings, mostly traditional tattoo-influenced. I think it'd be awesome to be a custom tattoo artist eventually, but for now I'll just practice on paper.

I've been working on script (swirly lines, I call 'em!), the praying hands image, and Pink Floyd flash. I would love to publish a book my own personal flash in the future!

Since I've been working on bold lines and bold colors, I decided that I need to switch it up and work in just black and grey with no outlines at all. This is just black gouache on 300 lb. watercolor paper. I'm not quite finished with it yet, but should be done by the weekend. I need to make color copies of my recent work and add them to my art portfolio at the tattoo shop.

And finally! Something on canvas! The last time I went to a Micheals there was a crazy-good sale on large canvases, so I bought a couple. Here's a large peacock I've been working on. I wanted something simple, with bold, thick lines and bright colors. So, of course, a peacock! I keep fixing small things here and there, so it's becoming tedious. I hope to finish it soon and put a nice gloss coat over everything. It should look awesome!
In addition to all this art, I'm also working on curating a feline photo show at a nearby bookstore (scheduled for November 2010), organizing an art fundraiser for July 2010, working at the arts council and the tattoo shop, taking care of the family and the dog, planning a three day vacation (very much needed!), and part time at the technical school (new class started today). So, I'm busy but I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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