
Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm Thankful For - The Grand Finale

Good health, good food, great love, my daughter's healthy and ready to go back to school tomorrow, watching the moon, hoodies, trips across the country, making my first snow angel, giggling at 3 a.m., having a wonderful family, feeling more and more like myself, reading poetry, drawing, having health insurance, new pens and notebooks, trying new things, feeling fear and trying to get through it, good mail days, full gas tanks, windy days, sunny days, rainy days, being able to say no and not feeling bad for it, getting drunk, saying yes and meaning it, telling jokes and playing video games, watching my daughter perform onstage, hot showers and nice smelling soap, plenty of presents under the tree, opportunities, everything.

(Well, I missed some weeks, but for most of this year I made a post once a week on things I was thankful for. I'm proud of that.)

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Oh Hi, Hello!

Hello everyone! Just a quick update to let you know I haven't forgot about this blog. I got on the plane exhausted and picked up a nasty cold bug. Whoo-hoo, right? Yeah, I'm still trying to get caught up from being away from home for 5 days and feeling sick the whole time. Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things this week.

In the meantime, I'm starting to sell my photography on a new Etsy shop:

Take care!

Monday, November 24, 2008

See You Later!

Tomorrow afternoon I'm off on an adventure on my own. I'm flying up north to visit family and see some real snow! Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Moleskine Update!

Once we got past the halfway point of Mazzy's hospital stay, things got a little boring so I spent some time drawing in my sketchbook with kids' markers.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Love You All! Y'all!

Mazzy Art

On November 5th, Mazzy was admitted to the hospital. We thought it would be an easy overnight stay but things went downhill quickly and the next day she had emergency surgery to remove her appendix. We stayed at the hospital for eight exhausting days. Above is a drawing Mazzy made on her sixth day at the hospital. She was feeling much better by then and we were all happy to see her looking so well.

We've been home since Thursday and playing catch-up on sleep and life in general.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Day Six: NaBloPoMo

Fact #6: I really do have the best family and friends around.

Going through a tough time now, blogging will be teeny-tiny.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day Five: NaBloPoMo

Fact #5: The Pilot Precise V5 RT is my favorite pen!

Today's blog is short and sweet. The kiddo's been sick all night, poor thing.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Day Four: NaBloPoMo

I sat down at my dining room table, ready to get some work done and figured I should document my obsession. I'm completely bonkers about Moleskine notebooks. Just bonkers. Moleskines and tea, please.
  1. Hard Covered Ruled Notebook - My journal.
  2. Hard Covered Plain Notebook - My sketchbook & list notebook. Almost finished. Will get new one soon.
  3. Ruled Cahier - Just came in the mail yesterday. I will fill it with writing ideas and haiku.
  4. Pocket Squared Cahier - My ART to-do list. Submission deadlines and ideas.
  5. Red Pocket Planner + Notebook 2008 - It goes everywhere with me. I can't wait to order a 2009 planner. I'll get a bigger one this time.
I also have a Watercolor Reporter Notebook. It's sitting downstairs in my studio.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Day Three: NaBloPoMo

Fawne Fact #3: I'm not big on "fancy" jewelery. I'm extremely low-maintenance and I don't ever want a lot of money spent on me.
Above are two of my most cherished rings. The smaller ring is made of sterling silver and hand stamped with a saying our daughter used to say all the time. I call it my "marriage" ring. Daniel and I got eloped (what a funny word!) in 2004 and didn't have a traditional wedding or any rings.
I got the ring four years later, mostly because I was tired of always explaining why I don't care for traditional wedding bands, why I don't wear one, and how I could be married without a ring. I knew I wanted something hand-made and unique so I did a search on Etsy and came across The ring arrived in no time and I fell in love instantly.
The other ring was also custom made for me. I was shopping in Little Five Points in Atlanta and saw man on the street was making rings out of copper wire. I stopped and chatted for a moment and he quickly created this ring for me. He was fascinating and told me that whenever I wanted to see him again then all I had to do was say, "Copper John? Where are you?" This was 9 years ago and every time I go to Little Five I look for him. Sadly, I haven't seen him since.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Day Two: NaBloPoMo

Daniel and Maz saw a little lizard in our basement a few days ago. They were unable to catch it and we figured it'd find its own way out of the house. This afternoon while I was sweeping the floor I spotted him. I stood still and searched for something to catch him with. I decided on the toy nets that came with Mazzy's Elefun game and slowly eased my way towards the critter. I easily caught him and ran upstairs to show Daniel. Then I told him to grab the camera so I can blog about this later.

There you go: I'm a blog-dork critter-catcher. I love animals and I'd never pass up a chance to hold one. Last week we visited the Atlanta Zoo and I just ooooh-ed and ahhh-ed all over the place. Petting zoos and touch tanks are my favorite!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Day One: NaBloPoMo

I'm an obsessive list-maker. I have to make sure everything's in order and everything can be checked off the list. This morning I bought plane tickets to visit my family in Michigan and the first thing I do is make a to-pack list. I'm extremely stoked about this trip already! 25 days to go!

Ahhhh, it's that time again! Time for National Blog Posting Month! I tried it last year but missed a day or two. I'm going to try again and maybe have a little bit of a theme: one post a day on a Fawne Fact. Yes. So by the end of the month, you'll know so much more about me. Today you learned that I'm crazy about list-making.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • My Two BFFs - My bud Amber and my hubs. I tell them both about how I felt like I embarrassed myself this week and they both understand and make me feel better. Also, both agree: if someone doesn't want to know me then it's their loss.
  • My Pretty Hair - I know, it sounds vain to be thankful for hair but earlier this year I was diagnosed with Alopecia areata possibly due to some medication I was on. I was losing so much hair and was terrified of becoming bald. Fortunately, coming off the medication helped and my hair started growing back. Now you can't really tell there was something wrong unless I point it out to you. Which I probably would if you asked.
  • Great Music! - I've been listening to Ryan Adams, Wilco, Nine Inch Nails, The Doors, Ray Lamontagne, Daft Punk, and old school Hip-Hop all week (quite the mixture of music, I know!). Pandora Radio has been amazing too! Music is food for my soul.
  • My job - Very quiet, calm, and easy. I look forward to my part-time job and I love how it's very flexible and just awesome all around. I also like how my hubs can come in and eat breakfast with me and chat for awhile. Also, it was payday yesterday. I'm very thankful for that.
  • Making Travel Plans - This year I'm spending Thanksgiving with my family up north. I haven't done that in 9 years. I'm so stoked I can't wait to buy my plane tickets but I'm going to wait another week or so, in hopes of another AirTran sale.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

On Repeat All Morning

Wilco's Either Way from Sky Blue Sky

Maybe the sun will shine today
The clouds will blow away
Maybe I won’t feel so afraid
I will try to understand
Either way
Maybe you still love me
Maybe you don’t
Either you will or you won’t
Maybe you just need some time alone
I will try to understand
Everything has its plan
Either wayI’m gonna stay
Right for you
Maybe the sun will shine today
The clouds will roll away
Maybe I won’t be so afraid
I will understand everything has its plan
Either way

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Goal: Write 101 Haiku

Ohhhh boy, it's been a long time since I wrote haiku. I've totally forgotten about this goal!

Saying hello and
I've got no expectations,
Only hope and love.

Pages filled, black ink,
Promises you couldn't keep.
A winter love, gone.

Early morning tea
and waiting for a response.
Sure you've turned your back.

I can't concentrate.
The only thing I can do:
Write emo haiku.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Party

Last night we hosted a Pumpkin Carving Party and it was tons of fun. On the left is my pumpkin, Flapjack from the Marvelous Misadventrues of Flapjack and on the right, Daniel's EVIL pumpkin.

This pretty much sums up the differences in our tastes: the hubs loves evil, scary monsters and I'm all about the cute!

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Good books to read.
  • Hugs and kisses from the kiddo.
  • Cheaper gas! Hurrah!
  • Hanging out with friends and family and having a great time.
  • Receiving this horoscope today:
Looking into the past we have left behind for wisdom allows us to understand how the events we have lived through have impacted our development and shaped the people we are in the present. While we may not have realized the significance of certain events or situations at the time they occurred, a retrospective view gives us the power to understand how each has fit into the overall fabric of our existence. To reflect upon the patterns we see in the weave that is our lives is to examine the forces that created the assemblage of traits we know as the self. From this basic comprehension, we can then gather information regarding how our lives will unfold in the days and years to come. When you look within yourself purposefully today, you will discover insights that you can use to prosper in the future.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Take a Trip on the Wayback Machine

I've been feeling especially nostalgic lately so I've been reading over my old journals remembering old memories, good and bad. This happens to me every few months or so. It's interesting to read my what I wrote seven to ten years ago. Sometimes I laugh out loud and other times I'm just speechless. I can't believe I've done some of the things I've done. I also can't believe what I didn't do. I used to be so afraid of everything, too scared to to say or do stuff that might make people not like me.
Well, I guess I'm still kind of like that, but what can you do.
Nowadays, I feel more self-aware, more confident in who I am and most days I think I'm quite awesome. The 26 year old me wants to smack the 17 year old me and tell her, just do it, say yes and do what you want, everything will be okay. I'll also tell her, don't get those credit cards. Don't say yes to that.
There's my life. Ten years in fifteen notebooks. Not all the notebooks are filled, though. I had a bad habit when times were tough: I would buy and start a new notebook when a huge event took place. There's 6-7 notebooks for 2000-2002 alone.
I wonder what's happened to some of the people whose names speckled these pages. The ones I shared good times with, the many guys I crushed on (I used to develop crushes in minutes... still do, actually.), the ones I cried over, the ones I dumped. Not so much the ones I dumped, they were dumped for a reason. In real life, I drive through old stomping grounds and remember what I did at this restaurant and who I met at such-and-such place. They're mostly good memories and they make me smile.
I guess it's not a true feeling of nostalgia; it's not a feeling of wanting to go back to that place in my life. I'm quite happy where I am now. Those journals, those memories, are the stepping stones that led me to this day.
Anyway, I'd like to transcribe all these journals to a word document and get it all printed in one or two books. Some of the notebooks are yellowing and pages are falling out. I'd like to keep these words around forever.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ryan Adams and the Cardinals

I usually find out about shows days after tickets have gone on sale. This saddens me to no end since I always want to be real close to the stage when I see my favorite musicians. The Ryan Adams show was no different and I learned of the ticket sales two days after the internet pre-sale. I ended up obsessing over the idea of somehow attending the show and paid WAY over the price of the ticket on Oh well, I can splurge sometimes, right? Besides I'd missed the last two times he came to Atlanta and spent most of this summer madly crushing on him.

Well, my pal Drew and I started making our way to Atlanta around 6 p.m. The weather was dreary and rainy the entire drive. We tried to keep a positive outlook and repeated, "We're totally going to make it on time. We're totally going to make it on time." Thanks to the GPS Navigator on my phone we avoided traffic in downtown Atlanta and pulled into the parking lot a little after 8 p.m.

Our seats were well worth the price I paid for them in my opinion. Fifth row center:

I was so excited to get through the gate with my camera! I'm always scared venue workers will confiscate my camera or make me go back to my car. I took many pictures (mostly blurry) and two videos during the show. The videos have already been viewed hundreds of times!

I recognized "Wonderwall" about two notes into the song. Goodness, I love that song! It was over 6 minutes long and my arm was getting so tired from holding up the camera.

Sadly, Ryan called it off after playing for a little over an hour. He said his voice was awful and [sounded like the guy from the Goo Goo Dolls]. The band apologized, said goodbye and next thing we know the lights are on and the stage crew starts breaking down the set. We walk back to the car in a daze, unsure of what happened. People around us are pissed and cussing the band out. We're bummed that we only had an hour of music. Hell, I was just getting warmed up.

Sunday morning I start reading through Facebook and MySpace and find out that many people are leaving mean messages to the band and wanting refunds. Last week the band postponed shows due to illness affecting the entire crew. I'm really bummed that the tour had to end on this note. But I'm sure I'll go to another show if I get the chance. My obsession with Ryan Adams and the Cardinals has not waned. Jacksonville City Nights is still one of my favorite cds. Ryan and the Cardinals sounded sincere when they apologized about cutting the show short. I just hope they put Atlanta on the top of the tour list next time.

Hey! It could've be worse. I once tried to go see Brian Jonestown Massacre in Atlanta. We stood through two opening bands that played for at least and hour and a half each & when Anton came out (30+ minutes after the opening bands) he was unhappy with how his guitars were tuned and refused to play until they were right. All of this on top of me somehow getting food poisoning! I left the venue and sat in the car hoping my husband could enjoy the music of one of his favorite bands. Daniel came to the car an hour later and said Anton only played 3 songs and kept whining about his guitars and fired a band member. At least The Cardinals gave Atlanta a great hour of music!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Homecoming Week

This is what I've been working on for the past two days:

About two hours in.

These two HUGE (see the step-ladder?) pieces of luan will be trimmed and built into a float for the Homecoming Parade tomorrow. My friend came up with the idea and poem and I just painted it up. I'll try to get a picture of it in action tomorrow.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Nice, healthy pets.
  • Going out to eat even though we shouldn't.
  • 5 days off of school for the kiddo.
  • Hanging out with family tonight.
  • Being able to sleep in a little this morning.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Recent Photography Awards

Spalding County Fair

Honorable Mention at the Juried Photography Show at Arts Clayton in Jonesboro, Georgia.

Drought, Cornfield

Second Place Ribbon in Plant Life at the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia.


Science is Fun!

Mazzy's birthday money was burning a hole in her pocket and when she came across this Butterfly Pavilion at Walmart she just had to have it. We sent away for the caterpillars and I swear, everyday for two weeks she asked if they had come in the mail yet.

We finally received a small brown box from California. Inside was a plastic cup with five teeny caterpillars in it. Food was included so all we had to do was sit back and let nature take it's course.

The caterpillars doubled in size within the first two days. We watched them crawl around and eat and eat and eat. After about 9 days they crawled up to the top to form their chrysalis. They stayed in this form for 6 days. I was at work when Daniel called and said, "Oh my god! We have butterflies!"

Out of the five caterpillars, three turned into perfect butterflies, one had really messed up wings, and the last never emerged from his chrysalis.

We enjoyed their butterfly company for three days and decided it was time for them to go. Rain was in the forecast for the middle of the week so the sooner, the better.

And we made a video:

We had lots of fun with this project. I hope we can order some more bugs from InsectLore soon!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Double the Friday Graditude

I'm thankful for:
  • An "Honorable Mention" at a photography exhibit.
  • Good times w/ the my parents.
  • Good times w/ my hubs and the kiddo.
  • Making plans for the fair and a photography day-trip.
  • Good tea on cool fall mornings.
  • Meeting new people.
  • Buying new "grown-up" clothes.
  • Listening to the kiddo read and sing to herself.
  • Taking a chance.
  • Everything.

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Fall

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this new season. Summer was long and exhausting. Here are some things I'm looking forward to:

- Fall Back: An extra hour of sleep and waking up after the sun comes up? Yes please.
- Hikes at the nearby park: I like walking through the woods more than walking around my neighborhood.
- Taking more photos: I feel more energetic when it's not 100 degrees outside.
- Carnivals: Every year we meet up w/ dad and we visit the carnival. It's a nice little tradition we have.
- New clothes: I'm going shopping for fall clothes this week and I'm stoked! I might even buy a bike! Yay!
- Traveling: I'm planning a trip up north to visit my family on Thanksgiving. Stoked again!
- Food: Making stews and chili again. Nom nom nom!

Also, I started a new blog. Like I need more to do, right? It's about my adventures around town and the surrounding areas:

Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Having fun even though tonight didn't go according to plan.
  • Being able to try new things.
  • New magazines and books to read.
  • A full tank of gas.
  • Family and friends.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Whatcha Been Up To Lately?

Last week was mighty busy, my friends, and I'm currently recovering from it. Today I took a long nap after dropping the kiddo off at school. I hate taking naps because it makes me feel so lazy and useless but today I needed it.

Look! See there's a bird on my finger. I'm slowly gaining his trust. Unfortunately I must've made him mad since he wants to bite my finger again. One step forward and two steps back, right?

I had an interview with the library last Wednesday and I think I did really well. I haven't had a job interview in over 9 years and I was really nervous. The library has an opening for a part-time circulation clerk and I really, really totally want the job. I think it'd be so cool to work at the library. Sadly, they want me to work everyday, including Fridays and that's the only day I work at the Arts Council. I can not stop working there. The Council is my thing, y'know, and I can't give it up. It's very important to me and even a part of my identity. So I don't know if the folks in charge at the library will see the the light (my very awesome light) and change the schedule around so I'm not needed on Fridays. I should hear from them before the end of the month.

I've got my fingers crossed but I can't be too hopeful. With the economy the way it is now, I'm sure they got over 50 applications for this part-time job.

That's just the way it is sometimes.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Plans for a really great time in January 2009.
  • Talking to my BFF.
  • Discovering Chopin.
  • Getting paid for my art.
  • Buying gas for my car before folks started freaking out on Friday.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On My Desk Wednesday

New oil painting on an oval piece of wood.

Friday, September 05, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • An almost spontaneous date w/ the hubs.
  • A nice & busy Labor Day weekend.
  • Nice walks around the neighborhood.
  • Bugspray! The mosquitoes are horrible around here.
  • New opportunities soon!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Introducing Chester

Look at that little face! Could you resist taking this cutie home?

Well, we sure couldn't. We were at the pet store buying treats for the bird and the other hamster. I always take a moment to peek at the little critters for sale and we spotted a very active, very cute Russian hamster. Daniel and I both AWWWWWWW-ed and Daniel says, "Let's take him home!" I was like, really? You willingly want to get a new critter? (Usually I just end up bringing them home w/o any warning.) And he says, "Sure, you have a cage, right?" Dang skippy I do! So we fill out paperwork, pay for him, and make our way home.

We've named him Chester. He's a bit nippy and scared of his new surroundings. His coat is beautiful. Daniel says he reminds him of an Ewok.

I've added him to

& Here's Princess Peach:
Her profile is here:

Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm Thankful For

  • My parakeet finally sitting on my finger. He's not totally trained yet, but getting there.
  • The new assistant at work. A very helpful guy.
  • Getting good news today. Three photos juried in a photo exhibit!
  • Ryan Adams and the Cardinals coming to Atlanta. I'm hoping to get tickets soon!
  • My little family. The hubs and the kiddo are so very awesome!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Polyvore lets you create sets composed of individual images using an easy to use, drag and drop editor. After you have created a set, you can publish and share it with your friends and the Polyvore community.

Be my friend, will ya?

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • My family.
  • Laughing a lot today.
  • Mazzy turning six tomorrow.
  • Dad going above and beyond the expected.
  • Love Love Love.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Notebook

A new notebook for a new project! Details in a few weeks.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Zine Core Radio!

On August 7th I got to talk about zines and other things with the wonderful Hannah Neurotica. I was totally nervous but enjoyed being on the radio very much! I had a lot of fun and got to talk to my pal, Sage of Sweet Candy Distro. Download the hour-long show here: Episode Five.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Painting the Alice in Wonderland, Jr. Set

One of my major projects this summer was painting the set for my work's production of Alice in Wonderland Jr. The set was small and I think it took me about 15 to 20 hours all together to get everything finished and looking pretty.
After the first day of work.

A few days later.

Closer to opening night...

The whole set in action! I think everything looked wonderful. It was my first production set and it was definitely a learning experience! I'm hoping to do it again next year.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Finally having the newest JPG Magazine in my hands. I had to go to the nearest bookstore (40 miles away!) to get it. I wonder if my copy was lost in the mail?
  • Having decent medical insurance.
  • No cavities for me and Mazzy!
  • Selling a photo last weekend.
  • A very nice week.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

On My Desk Wednesday

Small oil paintings inspired by vintage tattoo flash.

Friday, August 08, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • A good bottle of wine.
  • A great haircut.
  • Mazzy enjoying First Grade.
  • A good cup of tea.
  • Reading an amazing novel.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Good News, Bad News, All News

Mazzy takes a pic.

I've been anxiously awaiting word from SlowExposures and Friday afternoon I received a letter in the mail from the committee. I automatically assumed it was a Congratulations letter since they usually only send a letter if you've got in. Sadly, it was a "Sorry, we haven't chosen any of your entries" letter. I was bummed for a little bit. Oh well, y'know? I'm shrugging it off and going to keep on keeping on. That's all I can do, right?

But in good news, the photo above did get in the Horsin' Around... Exhibit at A Novel Experience in Zebulon, Georgia. The reception for the show is this Saturday and I'm looking forward to rubbing elbows with other photographers. I'm tempted to see the exhibit before Saturday but I'll do my best to stay in town.

This week I'm anxiously awaiting my copy of Issue 17 of JPG Magazine. I'm ready to see my photo in print!

Friday, August 01, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Getting extra hours at work.
  • New notebooks and t-shirts.
  • Insomnia. Well, I did get a lot of things done.
  • Feeling inspired.
  • Ideas Ideas Ideas.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I've Been Published!

One of my Polaroid portraits has been selected to be in the newest issue of JPG Magazine! You can click on the image above to get a better look, it's in the upper right hand corner. I haven't received my copy of the issue yet but I hope to get it sometime this week.

I've been a big fan of JPG magazine for such a long time and I'm so honored for them to pick my photo out of so many entries! I think I announced early last fall that I wanted to have a photo published in a national magazine within a year and I do believe I met that goal. Yay yay yay!

Here's a direct link to the photo I uploaded. I was just out one day with my Polaroid camera and came across this stranger. I asked to take his picture and he said sure. I snapped, said thank you, and took off. I was much too shy to ask his name. In fact, it took about all my courage to ask him for a photo.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • A lazy, lazy weekend.
  • Healthy babies for my cousins.
  • Love all around.
  • Books from the library.
  • Good news from a magazine.
  • Hopes and dreams and goals.
  • Silly dances by Maz.
  • Great photos from old rolls of film.
  • Taking chances.
  • Payday!

A double dose of Friday Gratitude since I missed last week!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Because We're Photographers

Tri State Motel

Funny story to go along with this photo. In January, I was visiting Amber, my BFF, in Texarkana and we assumed this place was run down and vacant. So we're out, taking photos, chatting, next thing we know a guy walks out of the hotel office and starts yelling at us. He asks, what are you doing? What are you doing? I say taking pictures and right away he asks, "WHY?" and I'm like ....because we're photographers? and I was trying my best not to sound like a smart ass. Amber starts walking away. He keeps yelling at us and says he's going to sue us and call the cops and I keep trying to reason with him. I even tell him we're going to delete the photos even though I had a film camera. Oh man, I was about to start running if he took another step out the door. We just quickly walk back to the car and drive off. Scary!

I just got 8 rolls of medium format film developed last week and it's neat to go through the photos and try to remember when and where I took them. I've been super busy lately, that's why I've been slack on posting on this blog but things should quiet down next week.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

On My Desk Wednesday

I have a late night obsession with becoming a tattoo artist.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • A safe trip to and from Michigan.
  • Feeling loved and accepted for who I've become.
  • Good times and great laughs.
  • Coming home.
  • A week off from "normal" life.

Friday, July 04, 2008

More Paintings!

I worked on these two commissioned paintings back in March and I had lots of fun with them. The buyer pretty much said, "I like your stuff, do what you want!" Yes, that's what I like to hear! I love painting birds and this little kingfisher is so darling. I also love keeping paintings simple and sticking to 3 or four colors.

Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Latest Paintings

16" x 20" oils
Donated to my work to be auctioned off at the summer fundraiser.

16" x 20" acrylics
Commissioned by my Bosslady. The flowers are based on a pillow she has.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Mazzy and I Make Art!

One afternoon Mazzy watched as I worked on some lino prints. She mentioned she wanted to do it too and I told her she'd have to wait until she's older since the tools I use are very sharp. Then I got an idea and asked her to draw on a linoleum block. I carved out her drawing and here you go! A print of her work! She specifically requested the pink ink. I'd like to make a few more prints and sell them in the shop, then buy her something pretty.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mazzy Moleskine

I let Mazzy draw in my notebook one day. She made this beautiful scene with a princess, unicorns, birds, bunnies, flowers, butterflies, and a prince. Mazzy's really amazing with her drawing skills!

Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Being able to say no.
  • Saying yes.
  • My husband.
  • My cousin having a baby w/o complications.
  • A good relationship w/ my dad & stepmom.