
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What? New Space? Again?

As a child, I spent a lot of time packing and unpacking my stuff. My family relocated on average once every three years. I'm used to moving, and I consider myself to be super adaptable.

Well, I've been in Thomaston for over ten years. We've lived in our current home for almost seven years. This is the very first time I've ever lived in a house for more than three years. So, knowing all this it's easy to believe that somewhere ingrained in my DNA is a need to pack it all up and relocate. At least, that's my husband's theory: I'm so used to moving around that I figure out ways to do it often.

With that said, I'm happy to announce I'm moving my studio...again!

I found a storefront on one of the busiest streets in town. It's easy to find and it's a fantastic location, just a half-block away from the courthouse square.

 Today I put up paper in the windows so I don't get too many folks looking in while I renovate a few things.

This was taken on the first day. There are three main rooms. Here's the first two. I'm painting the first room white to act as a gallery space. And those tiles?

Yeah, they had to go. Most of them were barely stuck to the floor. My plan is to smooth out the concrete floor and paint it a nice dark gray.

My brother stopped by one weekend to help out. He worked hard to peel up all the tile and throw it all away. About 1000 square feet of tile! I owe him a huge favor! 

With this move, came plenty of unexpected costs. I created a GoFundMe page to help out with renovations, deposits, and supplies.

I've had an amazing response so far, and it's been a huge help! I'm so grateful to be able to be a productive, working artist in a small town. 

Wanna see the past incarnations of my studio? Check out the first tour, as well as a video before I fixed up the first space.

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