
Friday, November 05, 2010

Foto Friday

Foto Friday: Where I upload all the recent pictures from my phone and share them with you!
Reading During Lunch Reading Nicole Georges' zine Invincible Summer while eating lunch. I want to be Nicole's friend. Yep.

Halloween bonfire with friends. We were wondering how big we could get the fire. Well, pretty big, actually.

Interpol at the TabernacleThis past Monday we saw Interpol at the Tabernacle. It was our third time seeing them live and they did not disappoint. Their set list contained songs from all 4 of their cds and we were pleased to hear our favorites. They're an amazing band, and play a solid set every time. I'm sure we'll buy tickets the next time they visit Atlanta.

Coffee Nom Nom NomAfter every show we see in Atlanta we stop and eat a late dinner/super early breakfast at Ihop. They had a new treat and I couldn't pass it up. Coffee w/ whipped cream and chocolate chips? Sign me up!


  1. OOooohhhhh Im about an hr. from ATL... Ive been to the tabernacle! :)

  2. I'm glad that the Tabernacle is still open. I went there in 2000 or 2001. Very cool place.

  3. The Tabernacle is my favorite venue to see shows in Atlanta! I've been going there for over 10 years!
