
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Wishing

I was born in Flint, Michigan and spent my first few years there. I don't remember living there, of course, but every summer I visit all my relatives and fall in love with the place all over again. Michigan is beautiful, no doubt about it. The weather is perfect during my summer visits, not as oppressing as Georgia summers (which is STILL going on, when will it ever cool off??). 
Michigan is dear to my heart. When I was a child, I would pick Michigan whenever we were assigned a written report on a US state. Nowadays, whenever I get some extra money (rare!), I try to plan a trip up north. I try my best to visit as often as possible. 
I want this necklace. I want a lot of things off of Etsy and I'm going to try to make a weekly post about the neat things on my wishlist.

OH! I made a new Etsy treasury featuring the letter E! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. It's been awhile since I visited your blog! So I have some major catching up to do.

    That etsy shop is awesome. Is it sad that I'm not sure which state I heart? Maybe Illinois?

    I rarely update my LJ anymore, but I saw you have a tumblr & added you there.

    I have two: (rarely updated & more personal) (I've been posting fiction nearly every day on this one! I only took time off when my kitty died and I went back to TX.)

    I will make sure to visit more frequently.
