
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

On My Desk Wednesday

On My Desk Wednesday

New painting on 11"x14" watercolor paper, my biggest watercolor ever. First the india ink lines, then the yellow ochre underpainting. I had to step away from this one after an hour and a half of handling the thin paintbrush. I have to let my hands rest before going in to the tattoo shop this evening.

This month's NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) theme is ART, so OF COURSE I have to attempt this challenge! Here's to posting every day this month. Which is September, and well, how the heck did it become September 2010 already???

P.S. I've tried NaBloPoMo before and failed miserably. I hope to have better luck this time!


  1. I love this! How do you keep your drawings so clean? Do you sketch your designs before turning to your canvas/paper/lino block?

  2. @ Jessica: Oh there were plenty of sketches involved! It started out at a small drawing, then I enlarged it with a copy machine, then used tracing paper to clean it up. After that I plugged up my light box to trace the drawing onto the watercolor paper.

  3. oh my! so many steps! i need to work on my patience something fierce. Is it bad that it makes me feel a little better that you don't create such beautiful works of art with one simple step? :) (Can you tell I'm a little jealous of your humongous amount of talent???)
