
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

Butterfly Feast

Buying and using an annual pass to a nearby attraction, spending lots of time around friends and family, also taking the time to take care of the house, getting ahead in schoolwork, procrastinating on schoolwork, getting caught up on emails, laying on the couch and reading for hours, So You Think You Can Dance?, MJ's Thriller, painting for hours and hours, having no idea and admitting to it, white shirts blue jeans bright lips, staying out until 4 a.m., iced coffee, Flintstones vitamins, playing with kittens, out-of-the-blue texts from my cousin in the Air Force, summer afternoon storms that last for a few minutes, my hobbies: learning the ukulele and hula-hooping, plans for a winter roadtrip and thoughts of a gulf coast visit in a few weeks.

And more: local farmer's markets, surprise steak dinner, good good food, laughing with your BFF, drunk dancing and not caring at all, girlfriend love, all love, back-to-school shopping.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    It sounds like you've been having an awesome week. :) Staying out till 4am is always satisfying. I like going to bed when the sun is rising.
