
Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • Having extra money for our spring break trip!
  • A client that really loves my art!
  • Getting things crossed off my to-do list.
  • Getting film for my new camera.
  • Finishing a good book and starting another.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Moleskine

I've been having fun with the kiddo's Crayola markers. Too bad the yellows don't scan well.

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • being able to go out last night.
  • being able to work on lots of art this week.
  • being able to read a lot.
  • being able to pay all the bills early for this month.
  • just being able.

Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • the father-in-law and his generosity.
  • getting rid of some debt.
  • planning a vacation.
  • getting a commission, starting a new painting.
  • feeling like drawing in my notebook more.

Illustration Friday: Heavy

I thought and thought and thought about what I could draw for this week's Illustration Friday theme. Then I saw the new book I just picked up at the library. It's huge! And definitely heavy!
Micron Pen + RoseArt Markers in my Moleskine.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy 26th Birthday!

To me!
Yesterday was my 26th birthday. Hah, I still feel like a teen.
The day was like any other Monday: Good cup of tea, getting the kiddo to school, doing 5 loads of laundry, working on some art, listening to Danny Gregory's podcasts, internetting, lunch with the mom-in-law, getting phone calls and text messages saying "Happy Birthday!", quick trip to Wal-mart, getting some photos developed, picking up the kiddo, cooking dinner, kiddo's dance class, cleaning up, making lunches, balancing the checkbook, husband bringing home an ice cream cake for me, then starting a new book before bedtime.
A normal, good day.

Friday, March 07, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

  • coincidence with my BFF.
  • planning a vacation for Spring Break.
  • Book Fairs & my kiddo being excited about getting new books.
  • A quiet and easy week.
  • Being invited to events by friends.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Goal: Write 101 Haiku

I haven't done this in awhile!

There is a chance for
Severe thunderstorms today.
I hope to stay calm.

Small paperwhite bulbs
in storage for so long
please bloom for me now.

My new Pilot pens
go missing each afternoon.
Mazzy likes them too.

Laundry day and
ANTM marathon
Sunday afternoon

Drive through large puddles
splish splash long brown drips across
my green Neon.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Me Want Food!

Today's lunch: tortellini with fresh spinach, lettuce, and cherry tomatoes. Topped with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and freshly ground black pepper. Nom nom nom! It looked so pretty that I have to take a photo of it.

Last night I made Sunny Blueberry Corn Muffins from the Vegan with a Vengeance cookbook. They're not totally vegan since I have to use regular ol' plain yogurt instead of soy (couldn't find any!). But they're still very good! I had to take this pic with the camera phone, sorry for the fuzziness.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'm Thankful For:

The Sunday Edition:
  • A sale on plane tickets on Friday. Now my dad can fly to MI to visit for Grandma's birthday.
  • Lots of time to read lately.
  • Bright sunny skys.
  • Good pizza at a local restaurant.
  • Good mail days.