
Friday, April 27, 2007

Art Update!

Edie, Approx. 8" x 10"

Angel, Approx. 8" x 10"

Two more prints to add to my show. I have three more weeks to punch out some art + get it all framed. Thank goodness I have a friend in the framing business!
I'm starting to feel the pressure and I just don't want to create anymore. I'd rather watch movies & read new books than think about what to carve and print next. I've set up a small goal for myself this weekend: Carve at least 5 new blocks. I have the whole weekend free so I should have plenty of time. I just have to find the desire and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I love it!! they are all WONDERFUL!! I cant wait to see what else you are gonna do!!
